1.3.2 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project Moot Courts, Court visits, Arbitration/Mediation/Client Counseling Exercises, Para legal volunteering/ legal aid training, advocate chamber and internship in law firms//NGOs/Judicial Clerkships etc., year wise during last five years

1.3.3 Sample Participation Certificate in Moot Courts, Court visit report submitted to the University, certificate endorsing the student participation in Arbitration/Mediation/Client Counseling, internship completion certificate provided by the host law firm, NGO. Certificate of clerkship assistances from judiciaries. Note: all documents should have clear dates of engagements and should be on official letterhead. 

2.1.1 Provide the relevant information in institutional website as part of public disclosure 

2.2.1: The institution recognises multiple intelligences of students and creates policies and programs for all kinds of learners. The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and  organises special Programmes /policies for different levels of learners 

2.2.2 Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim 

2.4.1: Percentage of full time teachers appointed against the number of sanctioned posts 

2.4.2: Percentage of full time teachers with Ph. D. / LL.D during the last five years 

2.5.1: Additional Information

2.6.1: Additional Information

3.1.2: Report of the Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the institution with relevant photos

3.2.2: List and links of the papers published in journals listed in UGC CARE list and others Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during last five years 

3.3.1: Institution’s Legal aid/community services and Outcomes of extension activities in the neighborhood community in terms of impact and  sensitizing the students to social issues, holistic development,  and awards received

3.3.2: Geo-tagged Photographs and any other supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates. 

3.4.1: List and Copies of documents indicating the functional linkage/collaboration activity-wise and year-wise 

4.1.1:  Infrastructure facilities Photos

4.3.1: Additional Information

5.1.3: Provide the link for additional information

5.1.4: Relevant Information

5.2.1: Number and List of students placed along with placement details such as name of the company, compensation, etc 

5.2.3: List of students progressing for Higher Education, with details of program and institution 

5.2.4: List of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations List and links to e-copies of award letters and certificates

5.3.2: List of various committees with representation of student body

5.3.3: Report with photos

6.2.3: Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

6.3.3: Total number ofteachers attending professional development Programmes

6.4.1: Additional Information

6.5.3: Green Audit

7.1.1: Additional information

7.1.2: Geo-Tagged Photographs

7.1.4 Green Audit Certificate & Report

7.1.8: Supporting documents on the information provided 

7.1.8: Any other relevant information

7.1.9: Any other relevant information

7.2.1: other relevant information 

7.3.1: other relevant information