Legal Aid Clinic is the provision to assist people who are unable to afford Legal representation, to provide legal advice and access to the court system. Legal Aid is essential to guaranteeing equal access to justice for all especially for citizens who do not have sufficient financial means. It will increase the possibility within the court of being assisted by legal professionals or legal advice by the Para-legal volunteers.
Govt. Mizoram Law College’s Legal Aid clinic was inaugurated on 26th October, 2013 by the Secretary, Mizoram Legal Services Authority (MLSA). The clinic functions under the supervision of Mizoram Legal Services Authority and Aizawl District Legal Services Authority.
At present there are 122 para legal volunteer all are from the students and teaching staff including the Principal. The Para legal volunteers have attended training organized by Mizoram Legal Aid Clinic Training was given to Para legal volunteer by Secretary Aizawl District Legal Services Authority and Volunteer ID was issued on the same day.
State Level Seminar on the theme “Law Relating to Road Transport Activities” was organized by the Legal Aid Clinic Cell on 20th March, 2013, venue at Conference Hall, Govt. Mizoram Law College which was under the sponsorship of Aizawl District Legal Services Authority, Aizawl.
The Legal Aid Clinic is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. of the week and Legal Assistance and Advice can be obtain from the volunteer.
The Clinic is meant for all who require legal advice/counseling. At the same time, the clinic is functioning as an agent between the persons having legal problems and the Legal Services Authority, both at the District and State Levels.