To eliminate ragging in all its forms, initiate its prohibition under regulations, prevents its occurrences and to award punishments for the same as per existing Rules, Anti-Ragging Cell is formed in the college. As such, the cell is to involve itself in designing strategies action plan for curbing the menace of ragging in the campus.
The Cell forms Anti-Ragging Squad to function under the supervision of the cell. The squad is to check the college and its premises including the college’s Hostel, Canteen, Class rooms, Buses, etc. So far, the College is free from the menace of ragging mainly because of the active cooperation of the faculty, students, parents and staff coupled with the homogeneous nature of the students’ Community i.e. almost 100 percent of the Students belong to the Mizo community.
The Anti-Ragging Cell also makes all possible efforts to free the College, not only from the menace of ragging but also from all intoxicants and anti-social activities on the part of the students.
Any student, found to have indulged himself/herself in any activity, which come in the category of ragging, intoxicant and anti-social activities, becomes liable to any or all of the following punishments:
1)Suspension or expulsion from the hostel or the Institute,
2)Withholding of results,
3)Debarring from representation in events,
4)Withholding scholarships or other benefits, or
5)Anything which the Disciplinary committee finds suitable as per the enquiry conducted.
6)FIR to be filed with Police on receipt of complaint.