HEI Name : GOVT. MIZORAM LAW COLLEGEAssignment Date : 20/09/2018Number of Clarifications : 29AISHE ID : C-8310Last Date : 05/10/2018

Metric IDDeviation Details and HEI ResponseFindings of DVVResponse from HEIStatus

Percentage of participation of full time teachers in various bodies of the Universities/ Autonomous Colleges/ Other Colleges, such as BoS and Academic Council during the last five years Number of teachers participating in various bodies of the Institution, such as BoS and Academic Council year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Details of participation of teachers in various bodies
2.Any additional information
Only appoint-ment by the competent univ authority, by name, to BOS or higher would be valid. One Full-time teacher to be counted once irrespective of number of participation. Period of one tenure of membership on any Body to be considered as one count. For example If one teacher is a member of BOS for a tenure of two/three years, the count would be ONE. The HEI has included list of o5 faculty on BoS for 03 years (13-14, 14-15 and 15-16). Next three years these are NOT counted. Only principal Colney on Univ court is counted in 14-15. the five members of the BoS are again counted in 2017-18.
Changed according to DVV findings.
Supporting Document:
DVV Suggestion Recommended

Number of value added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last five years Number of value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last five years

HEI Input :

Recommended Input :

Remark :
As per the attached documents and the data with the Metric. There are only two courses.

Attached Documents :

1.Details of the value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills
2.Brochure or any other document relating to value added courses.
The HEI to provide the authority for introducing these value-added courses and the necessary brochures for each of them. The HEI is also to provide year wise and course wise time table for conduct. Courses of varying durations (of at least 30 contact hours) which are optional, and offered OUTSIDE THE CURRICULUM that add value and helping them students in getting placed only are eligible. The HEI to provide lists of the students in each of the course every year that it was conducted. Care must be exercised to include one student name only once in a semester.
As the DVV said value added courses should be outside the curriculum, the value added courses mentioned by the HEI earlier falls inside the curriculum. Therefore, the activities of the college done outside the curriculum are added and changed accordingly which are value added courses alongwith the brochure for each course. Link: https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/page/value-added-course
Supporting Document:
Changed After Clarification

Percentage of students undertaking field projects / internships Number of students undertaking field projects or internships

HEI Input :

Recommended Input :

Remark :
As per the attached documents and the data with the Metric.

Attached Documents :

1.List of students enrolled
2.Institutional data in prescribed format
As per the attached data ONLY 92 students have undertaken field projects / internships in the current year (2017-18). The attached lists merely list the students on rolls of the college. The Company/ enterprise, place of internship may be provides for each student along with period of such internship. HEI has considered field visits as internship /field projects. The field projects must be of considerable duration normally undertaken for the complete semester on the premises of the enterprise and a certificate issue on completion. It could also be during summer vacation as per the syllabus and study scheme.
Field visit and field work are carried out in the third,fourth and sixth semesters as a part of clinical papers. Therefore, only 92 students who are the total sum of second year and final year students are undertaking projects.
Supporting Document:
Changed After Clarification

Structured feedback received from

1) Students, 2)Teachers, 3)Employers, 4)Alumni and 5)Parents for design and review of syllabus-Semester wise/ year-wise
HEI Input :
B.Any 3 of the above

DVV suggested Input :
D. Any 1 of the above

HEI clarification Input :
No answer change

Recommended Input :
B.Any 3 of the above

Remark :
As per the HEI data in the link.

Attached Documents :

1.Any additional information
The HEI has NOT provided any link or URL. The same does NOT exist on the college website either. Feedback link is not visible neither on the main page nor under academics. The HEI has not attached forms filled by any element of the feedback system. The HEI to provide 05 filled forms from each category together with the action taken on each of these. HEI statement of numbers does not carry a meaningful interpretation. The HEI to attach the college policy and the structure of the feedback system on curriculum, signed by the principal. The HEI to provide a visible working link on the website. The Hei has attached feed back on teachers and the college and NOT on design and review of syllabus-Semester wise.
Feedback has been uploaded in the website and five filled forms for each category has been uploaded. Link: https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/uploads/attachments/82295453baffa189d25c675d59cf4a7b/structured-feedback.pdf
Supporting Document:
Changed After Clarification

Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows:

HEI Input :
B. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken

DVV suggested Input :
D. Feedback collected

HEI clarification Input :
C. Feedback collected and analysed

Recommended Input :
C. Feedback collected and analysed

Attached Documents :

1.Any additional information
The HEI has not attached any proof in support of feedback processes of the institution for curriculum. The HEI to provide link to action taken report on the website as proof their claim. The analysis of the feedback on curriculum signed by the principal for the AY 2017-18 may be attached. As per 1.4.1 there is No feed back. The HEI has not attached any proof in support of feedback processes of the institution for curriculum. The HEI to provide link to the analysis as well as the action taken report on the website as proof of its claim.
Feedback has been collected,analysed by IQAC and report has been submitted to the Principal. Feedback processes has been uploaded in the website. Link: https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/uploads/attachments/0bf8970c60d64f2e1584343c61c6c184/feedback-processes.pdf
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Average Enrollment percentage

(Average of last five years) Number of students admitted year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :
687560139144 Number of sanctioned seats year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
2.Any additional information
The HEI admissions come from the data attached with 2.1. The admissions cannot be more than the number of sanctioned seats. The Number of sanctioned seats year-wise during the last five years adjusted to the intake level. In case of difference the HEI to provide number and authority for sanction. The HEI data of the students year wise is NOT consistent with the number of the students going out. The HEI has included Second/third year returning students also in the numbers. The HEI must also furnish a certificate that these seats are for FRESH ADMISSIONS and does NOT include the Second/third year returning students. Perhaps the HEI has input cumulative number of the students. Only fresh admissions to be counted . The HEI to provide a FRESH list of NUMBERS showing the Number of actual students admitted year wise in a TABULATED FORM. All attachments must be signed by the principal. Similarly the HEI needs to work out the year wise sanctioned seats (FRESH admissions ONLY). The HEI has input the same number of students admitted as the Number of students year-wise during the last five years. This is possible only when you take students registering for subsequent semesters as students admitted.
Documents with regard to number of intake of students from BCI, permission from the under secretary Govt of Mizoram and Meeting minute of the admission committee has been attached alongwith the actual number of students admitted in the first year during the last five years.
Supporting Document:
DVV Suggestion Recommended

Average percentage of seats filled  against seats reserved for various categories as per applicable  reservation policy during the last five years Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
2.Any additional information
The HEI because of its location has 100% seats earmarked for reserved category (Including Mizoram domicile). The number as per the HEI indicates above. However the HEI has not provided any authority letter to the above. To attach reservation policy of the state. HEI input changed to match admissions as in 2.1.2
The State govt does not have a separate reservation policy. Govt Mizoram Law College is affiliated to Mizoram University which is a Central University. Accordingly, the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Amendment Act, 2012 is adopted in regard to reservation in admission.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Student - Full time teacher  ratio

Attached Documents :

1.Any additional information
The number of students would be cumulative sum of the students at any given time studying in the college. The HEI may provide year wise and program wise, self attested number of students. The HEI to provide program wise lists of the students on roll in the AY 2017-18. These are to be attested by the respective HoD and counter signed by the principal.
Number of students of all semesters from 2013-2018 have been provided alongwith number of teachers and list of students of AY 2017-2018 have been shown specifically attested by the principal.
Supporting Document:
No Change

Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), E-learning resources etc. Number of teachers using ICT

HEI Input :

DVV suggested Input :

HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.List of teachers (using ICT for teaching)
2.Any additional information
The Number of teachers using ICT cannot be more than the faculty on rolls of the college.
The HEI has counted the total number of full time teachers(8) and part time teachers (5) who uses ICT for effective teaching total being 13. Five part time lecturer post of the institution is a permanent post irrespective of the holder of the post. However, it has changed according to DVV suggested input.
DVV Suggestion Recommended

Average pass percentage of Students Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by Institution.

HEI Input :

DVV suggested Input :

HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :
125 Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by the institution

HEI Input :

Recommended Input :

Remark :
As per the HEI data taking into consideration the pass %age of the college and extrapolating for the AY 2017-18 to be 25

Attached Documents :

1.Institutional data in prescribed format
The HEI has provided incomplete data. As per the HEI data attached with 2.3. The HEI has probably indicated the time when the students passed their exam. It should be when the final year students first time appeared for examination conducted by the institution. HEI to reconcile and present data AY wise and not month wise. What is required is the Total number of final year students (cumulative number of students) who APPEARED in the examination conducted by the university in the final year as the first attempt AND the (cumulative) Total number of final year students who PASSED in the examination conducted by the university in the final year as the first attempt. The HEI has however provided data of only the current batch. The HEI to provide YEAR WISE data of Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination AND Total number of final year students who passed the examination for the period 2013-18.
As demanded by the DVV, list of students have been shown when they first appeared the final year exam conducted by the affiliated university year wise and not when the students passed their exam. It has shown the number of students who appeared in the examination conducted by the University in the final year and the total number of final year students who passed in the said exam.
Supporting Document:
Changed After Clarification

Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices during the last five years Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Report of the event
2.List of workshops/seminars during the last 5 years
What the HEI has included in One day seminar on e-Governance and NOT Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices. Only activities with a bearing on Intellectual Proper Rights, Innovation practices, and Industry- academia initiatives can only be considered here.
Changed according to DVV suggested input.
Supporting Document:
DVV Suggestion Recommended

Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/international conference proceedings per teacher during the last five years Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international conference-proceedings year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.List books and chapters in edited volumes / books published
2.Any additional information
The HEI has provided a large amount of incomplete entries with essential data missing in a large number of these. The author's name or journal or even (in some cases) even the title of the paper was missing. The DVV input comes from cleaning of the HEI data removing incomplete entries as stated above. The HEI to provide ISBN/ISSN number, details of the book incl publisher, Title of the paper, the Date and the conference details. The HEI to provide a certified photocopy of the first page of the books claimed ADDITIONALLY.
ISBN numbers of books, details of book publisher, title of books etc. have been provided alongwith the photocopy of the first page of the books claimed.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government /recognised bodies during the last five years Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government /recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Number of awards for extension activities in last 5 years
2.e-copy of the award letters
3.Any additional information
The HEI has input numbers only and the attached document also includes numbers. The HEI must provide the names of the award and a copy of the award signed by the principal. Only awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government /recognised bodies may be included. The HEI has included letters that do not qualify as awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government /recognised bodies at the national/international level. the certificate of local hospital is considered local and is dated Sep 18 AY (2018-19)
Changed according to DVV suggested input.
Supporting Document:
DVV Suggestion Recommended

Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry, Community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., during the last five years Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry, Community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Number of extension and outreach programs conducted with industry,community etc for the last five years
Legal literacy Survey @ Zokhawthar, Champhai College Observation of Earth Day 2018: End of Plastic Pollution by Eco Club, Law college Cleanliness Drive at College level All 2017-18 do not qualify as these are NOT through NSS/NCC. The HEI has not attached any supporting data as proof of the activities. The HEI to attach reports signed by the coordinator and the principal for each of these. Photographs may also be attached. Activities conducted through NSS/ NCC/RC/YRC ONLY to be considered here. Copy of circular/brochure/ report of the initiative/ photos of the initiatives/ news report published Reports with photographs of the events signed by the principal must be attached otherwise the HEI may lose benefit of doubt.
Activities of NSS during last five years has been provided and reports of the NSS activities with photographs signed by Co-Ordinator and principal has been attached.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Average percentage of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations,  Non-Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. during the last five years Total number of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Average percentage of students participating in extension activities with Govt. or NGO etc.
4 The HEI has not attached any supporting data as proof of the activities. The HEI to attach reports signed by the coordinator and the principal for each of these. Photographs may also be attached. NSS and NCC activities are not to be considered here as these form part of earlier Metric. Copy of circular /brochure/ report of the initiative/ photos of the initiatives/ news report published. One student taking part in MORE THAN ONE activity would count as ONE ONLY. In the absence of reports supported by photographs, the HEI would lose BENEFIT of Doubt in favour of the HEI.
Provided activities not undertaken by NSS. Reports, photographs signed by Principal and Co-Ordinator is attached.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Average annual expenditure for purchase of  books and journals  during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) Annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Details of annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years
2.Audited statements of accounts
3.Any additional information
The HEI has provided data of 2015-16 only and NOT 2017-18. The HEI may include details of the expenditure for purchase of books and journals for 2017-18.
Changed and uploaded audit report of books and journals for 2017-2018.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Number of capability enhancement and development schemes –

  1. For competitive examinations

  2. Career counselling

  3. Soft skill development

  4. Remedial coaching

  5. Language lab

  6. Bridge courses

  7. Yoga and meditation

  8. Personal Counselling

HEI Input :
C. Any 5 of the above

DVV suggested Input :
D. Any 4 of the above

HEI clarification Input :
D. Any 4 of the above

Recommended Input :
D. Any 4 of the above

Attached Documents :

1.Details of capability enhancement and development schemes
2.Any additional information
The HEI must provide these on the Institutional website and provide specific link to each program/scheme mentioned in the Metric. Self attested copies of circular/ brochure or report of the event/ activity report to be included. Ref to the Annual report for Pre-Examination Coaching centres may be linked. To provide enrollment details and minutes/report of each of the guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling etc offered. The HEI to provide copy of the time table, certified by the principal, for remedial classes and bridge courses for 2016-17 and 2017-18 and. A Copy of the circular/brochure of such programs or location or notice signed by the principal informing the students about the cells may be attached
The HEI provided link of the schemes in the college website. It has uploaded the office order, minutes and timetable of remedial classes supported by photographs. https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/page/value-added-course
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Average percentage of student benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the last five years Number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
Attached Documents :

1.Number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling during the last five years
The HEI has attached the numbers and the activities arbitrarily. The HEI to attach attendance of the students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling for the AY 2017-18. This must be batch wise and year wise. Reports of the other events also to be attached. The HEI to provide self attested, year wise list of the faculty/counsellor/agency providing the service. Copies of any circular/notice or website link may be provided. Photographs of the set up may also be provided. A student attending more than one activity to be counted as ONE.
The institution provide career counselling to its students through career counselling &placement cell and equal opportunity cell.As all final year students are given this career guidance, they are listed down as benefitted by it. List of the programme and minutes of career counselling and placement cell has been provided.
Supporting Document:
No Change

Average number of sports and cultural activities/ competitions organised at the institution level per year Number of sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Report of the event
2.Number of sports and cultural activities / competitions organised per year
The HEI has not attached any report on any of the activities. The attached data contains events that do not qualify as sports and cultural activities/ competitions organized at the institution level. These functions are repetitions. Report/ photographs of the event OR copy of the circular /brochure indicating such kind of activities may be attached after reconciling the sports and cultural activities / competitions organized at the institution level. Celebrations of events are not competitions.
Sports and cultural activities and competitions held are corrected and uploaded. Reports of all the activities are given alongwith the prizes and trophies photographs which are won during those activities.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Number of Alumni Association / Chapters  meetings held during the last five years Number of Alumni Association /Chapters meetings held year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Number of Alumni Association / Chapters meetings conducted during the last five years.
The HEI must provide reports, photographs and proceedings of the alumni meetings signed by the president of the assoc and the principal. The HEI to provide Bye Laws of the association and the account number along with statement of accounts for the year 2017-18. Bye laws for the same may be attached. The HEI has attached unsigned reports as minutes. Only the agenda are visible no record of proceedings. Selection of the Alumni Committee and its constitution is not given. There are no photographs of the meetings. The HEI to include scan copies of the minutes of the meetings signed by the Presidents of the Association and the principal. The HEI must provide reports and proceedings of the alumni meetings signed by the president of the assoc and the principal. The HEI to provide Bye Laws of the association and the account number.
The HEI has provided report, photograph and proceedings of alumni meetings signed by the Chairman of the association and the Principal. Bye-laws of the association has been provided. The association do not have a seperate bank account but maintain a seperate finance record book and the account statement of the year 2017-18 have been provided.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Average percentage of teachers attending professional development programs viz., Orientation Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Program during the last five years Total number of teachers attending professional development programs, viz., Orientation Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGC ASC or other relevant centers).
2.Details of teachers attending professional development programs during the last five years
The HEI has not provided venue and the dates of the programs. These should be by (or at) an outside agency. Names of the service provider and details of agreement may be included. One teacher attending one or more professional development Program in a year to be counted as one. The HEI to attach e-copy of the certificates issued by the agency conducting Orientation Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs at the end of the program. HEI to provide year wise, list of teachers with corresponding certificate of having undergone the program. Only data accompanied by certificates shall be considered. One/ two/day events are not part of this Metric. Only long term two weeks and more duration professional training can be considered. The HEI to clean up its data and provide final tabulated list year wise and with in each year faculty wise. The duration limit is more than 09 working days Except in case of UGC/AICTE (ONLY) the limit for professional development programs, viz., Orientation Program, FDP, Refresher Course can be 02 days.
Changed according to DVV input and venue, dates of programs and organiser/service provider are mentioned. Certificates are uploaded and tabulated list year wise are given.
Supporting Document:
DVV Suggestion Recommended

Average number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality culture per year Number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality year-wise for the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Number of quality initiatives by IQAC per year for promoting quality culture
The HEI has provided professional and values & ethics lectures/workshops. These qualify only when recommended by the IQAC (the relevant extract of minutes of the meeting to be attached). This has not been done. The HEI must provide attested copy of the original register recording of the minutes of the IQAC signed by ALL the members and the principal.
Relevant minutes of the IQAC supporting the quality initiatives signed by the members have been provided
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

  1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC; Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements

  2. Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and initiation of follow up action

  3. Participation in NIRF

  4. ISO Certification

  5. NBA or any other quality audit

HEI Input :
D. Any 1 of the above

DVV suggested Input :
E. None of the above

HEI clarification Input :
D. Any 1 of the above

Recommended Input :
D. Any 1 of the above

Attached Documents :

1.Details of Quality assurance initiatives of the institution
2.Any additional information
As per the HEI data in the attached file. the data file shows NO for all items.
Feedback has been collected, analysed and used for improvements. Meeting has also been held.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted
7.1.10Number of Specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages during the last five years Number of specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Number of Specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages
2.Any additional information
No supporting documents, reports or photographs have been included as proof of the specific initiatives to address the locational advantages and disadvantages. Only some topics have been mentioned which are of academic interest. No report/ photo or video reference. Items are all generic and not Specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages. Copy of circular/brochure/ report of the initiative/photos of the initiatives/news report published. NSS and NCC activities not to be considered here.
List of initiatives to address advantages and disadvantages of location is mentioned supported by photographs.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community during the last five years (Not addressed elsewhere) Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Any additional information
The HEI has not attached any data or report of any activity showing engagement with local community. It may be pertinent to mention that engagement and activities under this Metric must involve community and preferably should be off campus. Initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community must be supported with reports, newsprints, photographs and the like must exhibit such interaction and engagement. The HEI to attach reports signed by the coordinator and the principal for each of these. Photographs may also be attached. Activities conducted through or involving NSS and NCC are not to be considered here. Copy of circular/brochure/ report of the initiative/ photos of the initiatives/ news report published.
Reports, programmes and pictures of the activities signed the concerned authority is attached.
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Code of conduct handbook exists for students, teachers, governing body, administration including Vice Chancellor / Director / Principal /Officials and support staff

HEI Input :

DVV suggested Input :

HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Any additional information
The HEI has not provided any URL or reference to its website. The website does not have a visible, working and effective URL for Code of Conduct. The URL opens prospectus. where one will have to search for these. The HEI has quoted third part website and reference to Govt rules. The HEI must make its own Code of Conduct and provide the same on its website. URL /link to the website may be provided for direct access. College Code of Conduct for students College Code of Conduct for teachers College Code of Conduct for staff. The HEI may attached a self attested copy of the Code of conduct for teachers, governing body, administration including Vice Chancellor / Director / Principal /Officials and support staff.
Code of conduct adopted by UGC regulations, BCI and Rules of conduct adopted by the institution has been uploaded in the website and link is provided below. https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/page/code-of-conduct1538550919
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Display of core values in the institution and on its website

HEI Input :

DVV suggested Input :

HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

The HEI has not provided any URL or reference to its website. The HEI has not attached any data in support of its claim. The website does have a visible, working and effective URL for core values. The attached URL directs to the home page. A document of Core values signed by the principal as a policy letter may be attached.
Core values of the institution signed by the principal have been provided and the same has been uploaded in the college website. Link has been provided as below https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/page/core-values
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

The institution offers a course on Human Values and professional ethics

HEI Input :

DVV suggested Input :

HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.Any additional information
2.Provide link to Courses on Human Values and professional ethics on Institutional website
15 The URL directs to the college website which has no such content related with course on Human Values and professional ethics. The details required under this ID have not been included. HEI may provide a working and effective URL that leads to the specific information related to the course. The HEI to include an attested copy of the syllabus of the course covering Human Values and professional ethics
Course on human values and professional ethics have been uploaded and link in the website provided below. https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/page/human-values-prof-ethics
Supporting Document:
HEIs Clarification Accepted

Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct, Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal harmony and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties during the last five years Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct, Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal harmony and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties year-wise during the last five years

HEI Input :
DVV suggested Input :
HEI clarification Input :

Recommended Input :

Attached Documents :

1.List of activities conducted for promotion of universal values
2.Any additional information
The data attached does not qualify as activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct, Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal harmony and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties. The HEI has not attached any report of the listed activities (signed by the principal).
Number of activities conducted supported by reports and photograph has been provided.
Supporting Document:
DVV Suggestion Recommended